Understanding Splits If your first two cards are a pair, you can play two hands by matching the amount of your original bet on each hand. Remember Blackjack is a thinking person s game and playing to the chart on the left will help you increase your chances of winning. The simplest strategy is to print the basic strategy chart and keep it with you when playing blackjack. Blackjack doesn’t require as much thought as poker but I do make sure to follow the basic strategy chart. Hopefully you’ll spend a few minutes on this site and memorize the chart and/or print it out and bring it with you. Blackjack Strategy Card Printable – blackjack strategy card pocket size printable chart, blackjack strategy card printable, What is a card? Card is part of thicker, inflexible paper or slender pasteboard, in particular one employed for creating or printing on a piece of thick paper published by using a picture and employed to give a message or greeting a compact rectangular bit of thicker. Get to know all about blackjack basic strategy - what blackjack basic strategy is, how to use blackjack chart, the rules to avoid at blackjack table and the 7 golden rules of blackjack strategy. Subject: 6'X11' Post Card Template Created Date: 3:52:37 PM. Title: 6'X11' Post Card Template Author: 4 Over Inc.